Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Benvenuti a Firenze!!!

Welcome to Florence! Quite possibly my new favorite place on Earth. We've experienced beautiful weather, rich food and wine, and such a lovely language (even though we butcher it, we try). 

Everything feels richer here. Every place, every bite, every life is just more full here. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the red, white, and blue, but I'm sure I might need to add green to that list. Italia is GORGEOUS. All the way around. Molto bella!!!

Already we've been out to dinner and grocery shopping and wandering. Wandering is the best, I think it's how we're going to end up finding our way around. My four roommates and I live just about the farthest from the school. It's only 20 minutes away, but we assumed that it would be somewhat confusing with all of these Italian streets, that of course all look the same. We've already have figured out the easiest way to get to our school and back by wandering. And because our first night and first full day here weren't scheduled for us, we were free to stop in shops and get cafe and gelato and take pictures. But no picture could do justice to any bit of this grand place. Maybe I'll try more videos.

I feel so blessed to be in this place, with these people. We lucked out with by far the largest and cutest apartment. I've already started calling it umile casa, or humble home. It really is so quaint and humble. It's just tucked away in northern Florence, hidden near the Piazza de Indipendenza. I feel just graced with the opportunity to enjoy this place. In reality, I wish I could just tuck all of Florence with me into my suitcase when I leave, but overweight bags cost too much. I'm going to leave with some token souvenirs (aka clothes, shoes, scarves, and LOTS of wine), pictures on pictures on pictures, and memories. Memories so full that they overflow into an ocean that will never run dry. And oh how excited I am to make these memories! With not only the best classmates, but the best roommates I could ask for. Sam, Paige, Cassie, Kate, and I are very different, yet so very similar in a thousand different ways. And I am looking forward to growing closer with each of these ladies!!!

So here's to the next four months. Where I could be doing a million other things and yet am honored to be spending it in historic Firenze, Italia. Here's to the laughs, the smiles, the travels, the footsteps, and the memories. Salute! (Cheers!)

Also, please view the photos I've been taking on my camera here!!! I'm not going to be posting a lot on my blog just to save time from uploading them to different places! So please feel free to browse, add me as a friend, follow me on Twitter (@mabeljeann), and follow me on Instagram! (@mabeljean) Ciao!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

-Oceans, Hillsong United

That is one of my favorite songs from Sandblast 2013. And now it's just one of my favorite songs in general. That song speaks truth to the core of my being; that things are going to be rough and fall apart and sometimes seem to unimaginably disintegrate right in my hands, but through it all, God is Sovereign. God leads and protects and provides and acts as a guide even when I'm not seeking Him. And that's been a rough truth this summer.

You see, I have this best friend, Kaylea, and she's quite spectacular. She's the reason why I know Jesus. Every single day I am grateful for her, and for her courage to invite me to this place called Willow Creek Community Church just 5 years ago. She is passionate and empathetic and loving and gracious and beautiful. She's one of the greats, people. And this summer, this brilliant child of God spent her summer serving God by working at, of all places, Disney World. Freaking Disney World, folks. Like, right?! I know, I was geeked too. She is involved with Campus Crusade for Christ at Elmhurst College and had the opportunity to work at the park and outreach to people while being a part of a community called Summer Project. I have a very similar story.

I'm involved with an on-campus college church at Kent called h2o. A very humble, loving community of people on fire for Jesus on a public university campus. Can't get better. And last summer I had an opportunity to go to Colorado and be a part of something called Leadership Training. LT is a great program that helps you not only heal and grow, but teaches you how to be a disciple and lead your campus in the light and direction of Christ. So similar to Kaylea this summer, I left Illinois with no reservations just ready and willing to be obedient to God's calling. And while that's great and wonderful and handy-dandy...

it left Kay without her "person". And when I say person, I'm not talking significant other. I'm talking the person you need to do life with and be accountable to and call at 3 am and just know that they will be there to listen to you, "person". We're each other's person, since sophomore year of high school. I'm telling you now folks, that girl is going to be a part of my life forever. And ever. So while I was off listening to God in Colorado, I quickly became too busy to be approachable, by my own best friend! She was left feeling like she couldn't text or call me because I was too busy being adventurous and daring and having too much fun to be bothered. And I know this because we traded places this summer.

While I was welcomed back to Student Impact and the Conant Orange Crush house group with open arms, and blessed with the opportunity to lead a small group of genuinely fantastic young high school ladies, I was left without my person. No one knows my story and my struggles and my heart as well as this girl. Seriously no one. And just as I had done to Kaylea the year before, I was under the impression that I couldn't "bother" my best friend with a phone call or text. I somehow bought into the lie that she was too busy in Florida, or that somehow, phones stopped working when you went to cool places like that. Today was actually the first day I was able to see her since she got back about 2 weeks ago. And it's been rough. I leave for Italy in 4 days, so I really had to make the most of today.

There's a song I was listening to on the way home from church tonight. It's by a man named Greg Laswell and it's called Comes and Goes. It starts by dedicating the song to those that are lonely and the torn down, those who seek and do not find, who fall and can't find strength to stand. But it comes and goes in waves. Then it's the faithless, those who can't see ahead of their issues left unresolved. Then it's for the believing! The song turns optimistic, if only for believing's sake, you're going to find faith. But it comes and goes in waves. Then it's for the ones who stand, who try again despite past and present and potential future circumstances. It's for those who seek help and keep pursuing, thinking they can. It comes and goes, in waves.

It comes and goes in waves.

And that's kind of what a relationship with God looks like. You have the mountain highs, and the valley lows. Call it a roller coaster, call it whatever you like, but I think Mr. Laswell puts it best when he says it comes and goes, in waves. As the tide rolls in it crashes and sometimes it's violent and sometimes it's peaceful and it always looks different but all you can really do is ride it out.

And sometimes, without the community of the person God created for you, specifically, to invest in, you hit a really, REALLY big low. like a screeching halt, you just stop. and life appears to stop. it doesn't. the world keeps turning and people keep moving and things are changing. but it almost feels out of body. you look back and wonder, "was I even truly present?" Present in the context of being aware.

I could ramble forever, but all I want to leave you with is this question: who is your person? Or who is your group of people? Maybe you have a small group that you do life with, or a close friend since elementary years. Got them in mind?

Think of their eyes. And their hair. And their smile. And the way they dress and their personality. Think about the way that God so wonderfully created them. Their unique quirks. Their sense of self. Their true gifting, and their weak spots. Would you just say a prayer of thanksgiving to God, for just simply creating such a beautiful, wonderful, glorious person? They are someone worthy of praising God for. They are a praise. And then would you tell them that you appreciate them? For everything that they are; all of the ways they are so special to you. All of the moments you've shared and all of the moments you are so excited to enjoy with them in the future.

This brilliant woman named Shauna Niequist spoke at Willow Creek's midweek gathering tonight. Her final thoughts from her message wrapped up this idea beautifully: "Who are you telling good, encouraging, uplifting truth to?" Because we all need to hear and accept the truth that God speaks to us, but how often do we stop to relate the good truth that we see to each other?

So while I have spent this incredible summer with many extraordinary people, this is for Kaylea. Kay, you are my person that I actually do call at 3 am and that I make difficult, gut-wrenching confessions to. You share in my joys and share in my sorrows. You are such a beautiful, wise, comforting, loving, encouraging, good friend to me. And I appreciate you. I appreciate every little thing about you that makes you who you are, because you are the best best friend for me. Thank you. For simply being you.

And let me assure you, I'm going to get Wi-Fi reception overseas. And I'm looking forward to our conversations from opposite sides of the world.