Tuesday, September 10, 2013

a wandering heart

I feel like I'm struggling to know whats real truth and what this world is telling me. It started with this post I saw on Pinterest yesterday (yes I'm aware I go on that website far too often). "Your 20s are your selfish years...fall in and out of love just because you can." Boy doesn't that just sound wonderful. To be selfish and to live for yourself and to make your own mistakes simply because they're the mistakes you need to make. To be foolish instead of wise, to live freely abandoning all regard for the world. 

But who the hell actually wants to live like that? Who wants to be selfish and only concerned about their next move or their next tomorrow? Who wants to live in a way where they're not going to learn from the mistakes they make? Instead of really letting each lesson soak in, it would be better to keep making the same mistakes? Who wants to live without being merely aware of their neighbor? Forget the fact that there's close to 8 billion people on this planet, each with their own stories and struggles, at least have some concern for your neighbor! 

We gotta starting living like we're dying. We need to soak in each day and each moment and be a people who are loving towards everyone just as much as we love ourselves. As far as I'm concerned, each of us only have one life. What a waste it would be to only care about yourself.

I definitely think there is a time and place to act freely. I know I'm definitely more of a planner. Not a control freak, but I like plans and organized schedules. I like having an outline to follow. So it's hard for me to think in this concept of freedom, just letting things be as they are. But I do believe there is a time and place for everything. Even Ecclesiastes 3 talks about this topic. Since I've only recently allowed myself to explore this concept of living without so much analysis, I've stumbled into a situation that I've found myself lingering on. It's something I would definitely say I regret. I think we all know the phrase that goes something like "live without regrets because at the time it was exactly what you wanted." Well that's never been my philosophy. I constantly feel the need to think with a futuristic (and eternal) mindset. Which, my friends, is a gift that I treasure. Many people my age (like the aforementioned Pinterest quote) are too concerned about the present moment and their current desires. However, my friend Cassie spoke this simple little truth into my life the other night and it's shattering my visions and ideas. I think it's something good for us all to here.

Nothing is not a waste of time. The time you invest in a person that doesn't end up working out only solidifies what you do believe and where you do stand. Each person from your romantic past is a lesson. Bitterness and anger aside, each attempted partner gives you an image of what you DO want instead of what you've experienced that you don't like. My future husband is going to be a perfect fit for me because I have a better idea of who I'm looking for. 

No one is a waste of time. 

I'm learning not to be bitter. Not to be so concerned with the details that I can't enjoy simplicity anymore. Gosh I sound like such a seven but its true. I plan things to a tee, with so much technicality in my thought process that I just don't enjoy life's small pleasures anymore. Yet I'm learning a good discipline: be a wanderer. Take it slow and really experience everything. Walk fast, drink your coffee slower, really listen to who you're having a conversation with. Ask questions simply because you're curious. Be fascinated, be captivated. Never be afraid to hit pause. Of all people, trust me when I say that I understand how hard that is. Slowing down is not my forte. Especially looking to start a career in fast fashion, putting on the breaks really seems like the opposite of what I should be doing. However, I do know that there are so many rewards awaiting me if I can just find a way to yield. And since I started with a Pinterest quote, I have to end with a Pinterest quote.

"Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed how much more life she had time for."


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