Friday, January 10, 2014

on slacking off

I am quite possibly the worst blogger ever. I always forget about blogging. I never feel like I write anything on a daily basis worth blogging, so I haven't posted in a month. And I've realized my posts in Europe were few and far between. So I'm sorry! To all of my non-existent readers, I apologize.

That being said, let me update you on a few things!

Over the past couple weeks of winter break, I have spent a lot of time just cherishing being in a familiar place. Being in Schaumburg, Illinois has been quite nice. I know where everything is and I have a car to help me get there, everyone speaks English, and everything I need is really just at my fingertips. Spending time with my close family and best friends has been so relaxing. Yet, I feel like I was also very busy and didn't spend much time in my house. My schedule went something like this:

Finally got home after a 6 hour delay leaving Italy and a night stuck in Atlanta, I fell down an escalator, I caught up over breakfast with my parents, slept for what felts like a few days. Spent a night at my best friend's house. My boyfriend came over and I showed him around the city of Chicago a little bit and had him try a lot of our amazing Chicago cuisine. We all went to a Hawks game and we got into a little accident on the way there. I spent Christmas at home and then left just a few days later for a church conference in Indianapolis. New Years Eve I drove to Cincinnati to meet my boyfriend's family and explore a little bit. A few days later I helped him move to Cleveland and got him settled. I left a day later and got into another accident not even an hour into the NINE hour drive. Not a fun experience. Thankfully, I am OK and not hurt in the slightest. But then, I packed up my life once again and I have now moved.


I have been here for about 8 hours and I already love it. After unloading and unpacking a little bit, my brother, dad, and I drove around in the traffic madness just to briefly sight-see. Then I went grocery shopping at the cute Westside Market. Ashley's parents took me out to dinner at, you guessed it, an Italian restaurant! So yummy!

Who knows what this adventure will hold?! I am so excited to see how it will unravel and what God is going to do with this semester of my life!

Ciao for now! xo, Mabel

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