Thursday, September 18, 2014

why design?

At 20 years old, in New York City of all places, I was told by my teacher that I did not know myself as a designer, that I didn't know enough about myself to even develop an aesthetic. Don't take this the wrong way: I really enjoy being open minded to different things and new methods. Now at 21 years old, only a few months later, another professor asked me to write out my design philosophy. 

I was told that I didn't have a voice, let alone the ability to put it on paper. It was almost like an overnight self discovery. The big question is not “What do I want to be known for?” but “What am I going to offer?”

Sitting in my apartment in Kent, Ohio at 3:00 am and I am going on a major self-discovery adventure. This is an even greater feat than asking an 18 year old what they want to do with the rest of their life before sending them away with a thousand other people who have no idea what they're doing. (because that’s what college is)

This is my life.
What am I going to base the rest of my design career on?

I landed on three main points that encompass who I think I am. This is the kind of design that makes sense to me. You should, in essence, be able to teach a short course on your concept and inspiration by the time your collection is complete. So, I wanted to share what I came up with...

 1.  Remember Her.
She wants to be influential and enthralling. She wants to be mature, yet vibrant and youthful. She wants to find a balance in sophistication and comfort. She leads an engaging life. She is my essence, my muse. She is the reason why I design. Form follows function. Remember Her.

2.  Remember beautiful innovation.
I was created to design and dream. With each collection, I should be able to answer the question, “What am I offering that is fresh ?” Help her add new fashion pieces to her existing wardrobe.

3.  Remember sustainability.
How will I be sustainable? Will it be zero-waste? Will it be slow fashion? Whatever it may be, please consider the environment in all you create.

So thank you for reading this little blurb that came out of my head at three am. After this lovely thought, I proceeded to write a three page paper. It was quite a lovely evening.

Also, because my mind runs wild with a thousand ideas in each minute, I’m wondering what it looks like to take a “productive” Sabbath? As I explore, I’ll compile and post thoughts later, if you have any feel free to leave a comment below!

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