Here's what I mean.
Our days are literally numbered. We all have an expiration date. Even this chapter of your life will come to a close sooner than you think. I feel like I'm on this kick lately of "we need to take advantage of eah moment," but here I go again.
Recently, I've been in the mood for a Netflix day. I really just want to stay in my leggings and sweater (or my boyfriend's flannel that I stole and is perfectly oversized) and just watch a ton of movies and catch up on HIMYM and New Girl. And I've been debating doing this because of where I live now. Living in Europe makes me feel like I need to always be doing something. Not always something huge or overly exciting. I've learned the hard way that I have a limit and I do, indeed, burnout. I just feel like I need to always be out and about. Which, is something I really love doing. I'd rather spend all day outside, even just people watching, than cooped up in my apartment. But everyone needs a down day, right?
I was debating this the other day with my roommate Sam. I was more confiding in her my desire to simply be lazy. And to my surprise, I was really glad to find out most of my roommates felt the same.
I always "wake up early" according to my apartment. I'm talking 9:00/9:30 am. I feel that by sleeping in, I'm wasting daylight. I'm not saying that after staying up for 3 days straight after I turn in a big project I won't sleep for 17 hours. That is definitely something I've done, and you can ask my best friend Sarah in Kent, Ohio how that went for me. Literally slept through a whole weekend without even canceling my plans. I get exhausted. I'm human. But that's not that I'm talking about. I'm saying that after going to bed at 1:00 am, 9:00 am is a reasonable time for me to start my day. So I wake up. I make myself a bomb-ass omelet. Maybe just fix a bowl of cereal. But then I do something. Of course I check Instagram and Twitter (which are usually interesting because I get to catch up on he time difference). Then it's off to whatever.
Today, we wanted to go to a museum to not only knock off one of our site visits we have to do, but also just to do something interesting and different. Kill two birds with one stone, if you will. Instead we ended up going to Astor and getting coffee and talking until 3:30 pm, then picnicking at the Boboli gardens. And. I. LOVED. IT!!! Talking with my roommates (minus Kate, whose mom came to visit and they went off to tour Italy) is always a blast and I love getting to know them more! I so enjoy their company and I love these girls so, so much. These girls are my sisters.
And these are the days of our lives. You don't have to do something super OTT with each day. Living this life means that we have really exciting days and some average days. I hope you have very few bad days, but some days, truthfully aren't as fabulous.
People from home always make some sort of comment like, "How exciting is Italy?!" And honestly, it is exciting. I do not want to downplay at all how truly amazing and wonderful and incredible Italy and the rest of Europe is. But it does have it's 'blah' features. Like traffic. Annoying pedestrians who walk too slow. And there's this thing called a language barrier than makes everything from understanding my studio professors to ordering a coffee so damn difficult. I have a love-hate relationship with these aspects.
But I really hope that you're always looking for the wonder in your city. I hope that no matter how drab any given day may seem, that you are being filled with awe and inspired by the tiniest things of beauty. I hope your ride on the subway is more than a commute, and going to the grocery store is more than just a chore. I know that there is adventure waiting just around the corner, and I hope that you see it that way. Throw on some lipstick and explore.
Here's what I mean. These are the days of our lives. And we gotta live like we're dying. Open yourself to everyone and all they have to offer.
What if there's a bigger picture? What if I'm missing out? What if there's a greater purpose that I could be living right now? I don't wanna miss what matters, I wanna be reaching out. Show me the greater purpose, so I can start living right now. Outside my own little world. My own little world. - Matthew West, My Own Little World