Tuesday, July 30, 2013

City Street

The red tree 
I'm reading this book right now called Cold Tangerines. One chapter Shauna wrote talks about a month if her life where she almost missed the beauty in each moment. She was so busy with her to-do list and planning and making plans that she missed the simple delights in life. She missed she changing of the season peeking through the trees, and a tree in particular that had turned firey red and filled her with all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings. And I realized my life is like that all the time. And well, you'll see what I mean if you keep reading. Ironically, my daily calendar that sits on my bedside table and gives me small glimpses of godly truth has been talking about to-do lists lately. In honor of this beautiful book, I'm going to draw my own parallels from the beautifully crafted stories of Shauna Niequist. 

City Street

I have a rapid-fire city walk. I pride myself on it sometimes, my petite frame giving me the option to quickly swerve in and out of crowds of people sometimes as gracefully as a ballerina on a stage. And I say sometimes loosely. City streets can have craters as big as the moon and, if you're not looking, can cause serious damage. Yet I enjoy my fast pace. My stubby legs have a long stride compared to my size. It gives me a sense of purpose and productivity. As if I'm not wasting a moment getting to my precious destination. Then I remembered a quote I heard a few years back. A quote about enjoying the journey of life and disconnecting from the importance of the end point. I have my busy moments, and my moments of being wonder-struck by Gods creativity and sheer magnificence. I know that my schedule is chaotic compared to the average young woman my age, but you see, I'm not average. I enjoy being busy. I find it restful, God has the ability to fire me up when there's a lot going on in my life. But when I'm busy calculating my week down to the minute, there's a problem. Not only with my inflexibility, but with my desire to rush through my day putting as many check marks on my list as possible. Almost like a race, except it's always the underdog human versus time. Talk about adrenaline rush. But am I rushing too quickly? Do I stop often enough to enjoy the small pleasures God built into life? Not just for an Instagram picture or a self-gratifying tweet, but for an honest, sincere appreciation for this breathtaking Creator who holds our hearts above this world. That's where my heart needs to be. The next time I walk through the city, on my way to work or to the beach, I think I'm gonna walk a little slower. Slower than the average person. Slow not to prove a point, slow to take in and experience this beautiful, urban wonderland and God, the ultimate architect. 

"Be still, and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

seeing God's workmanship

i haven't blogged in what seems like years and it's only been a month! i really want to write something but because i'm looking forward to getting at least 4 hours of sleep before i wake up for work, i'm going to keep this short.

in case you can't tell by my recent social media postings, SANDBLAST is just ONE DAY away!!!! Sandblast is a four day camp for our high school students where they experience intense competition, astounding teaching, and intimate time with God. it's seriously an incredibly amazing, hard-to-describe, you-had-to-be-there kind of event. the ultimate retreat of all retreats. we have 1300+ students attending so we go all the way to Indiana Wesleyan University to hold our festivities. we're even starting to outgrow this facility, we have to make some students sleep on the floor this year because there aren't enough dorm rooms! it's getting crazy! we've already outgrown two facilities in the past; it's absolutely incredible seeing God move. i love this ministry!!!

anyways, it will be my first time going as a leader. getting to see the other side of things has been crazy. the amount of time spent planning and preparing and rehearsing is absurd (in a good way). for instance, a team of 3 (including a senior in high school) spent 140+ hours just figuring out everyone's housing. talk about planning. it's been a super humbling experience even witnessing the gifted administrators behind pulling off this operation.

the whole time, there has been a small voice in the back of my mind feeding me doubt. i'm filling in for a small group leader that can't make it, and that has left me thinking i'm incapable. "maybe i won't be able to answer their questions." "maybe i can't help them." "maybe i'll choke." all of these little sayings have been eating away at me. but then it dawned on me, who is to tell me that i am not here for a reason? God has called me here because i do bring something to the table that will benefit these girls. i have been praying so hard for these girls over the past couple weeks; that they would learn to do life together, they would become closer and more comfortable with being vulnerable, that i would be able to love them and serve them exactly how they need to be loved and served. a whole slew of requests has gone up to God. and honestly, after the leader's meeting we had yesterday, i am totally expecting Him to show up in big ways. He's got his fingerprints all over this shindig. for me, i've felt the need to constantly prepare myself and clean up my crap before camp. but God wants to use me for the gifting he has blessed me with. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Colossians 1:16  "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."

all we need is #116, Romans 1:16!

that's all for tonight, goodnight folks! hope y'all get some rest!!!